Packed into the Lawn Business Success Course is everything you need to start and grow a VERY successful lawn business. Nothing has been left out. You get powerful strategies that are easy to follow, and can be implemented with little or no money.
What's Inside

This complete lawn care guide includes five power-packed sections, full of strategies and tactics that will provide a strong foundation for you to build your lawn business on. This is the most up to date and useful information you can get anywhere, showing you the exact steps to take while starting and growing your lawn business.
Here's what is in each section....

My Friends Laughed, and my Family Thought I was "Crazy" When I Quit my Great Job to Start a Lawn Business....

...Until Three Years Later, When I Sold my Lawn Business for a Very fat Check!!

Give me 11 minutes and I'll show you how you can build your own extremely successful lawn business.

Find out how you can begin your successful business.

Find out how you can begin your successful business.

Join the many individuals and families who are learning to prosper in the salvage and recycling business starting with little or no cash. Note that little or no cash does NOT mean little or no WORK - this opportunity will take some real honest to gosh hard work - nothing less. Are you ready? If so, read on.

Learn how I make money in the salvage and recycling business -
Avoid my mistakes and profit from my successes

Hi! I'm Mike Meuser. I started in the salvage and recycling business in the early 1980s. Getting started didn't take a lot of cash (very little in fact) but it did take a lot of hard work. It is not easy and you won't become rich overnight, but you will have the freedom to make your own decisions and set your own priorities that will determine your own future - no one will be in control but you. You can make a good amount of money in a very short time if you just get out there and DO IT! And, if you persist, learn from my successes and avoid my mistake, you can make a very good income.
There are thousands of pie-in-the-sky schemes on the internet that "guarantee" that you'll make something like $1000 a week in 30 days, six-figures this year and all you have to do is to work a couple of hours a day at most, sit back and watch the money come in all for an investment of $37 or $47 or $97. I don't think so! Sorry to say, but it doesn't work like this folks. There are no blueprints, step-by-step plans that will take you from poverty to riches in short order ESPECIALLY if they're telling you that it is easy and hardly takes any work at all. This is total B.S!
So, if you are looking for:
  • A blueprint that you can follow step by step with little or no creative action on your part.
  • A business that takes little to no effort - a business made for lazy people.
  • A business that will make you rich overnight.
Then this is not for you. All I can do is wish you good luck in finding something that fits.
But, if you:
  • Are not afraid of hard work.
  • Can see my story as just that "my story" not a blueprint, not a step-by-step plan (unfortunately internet and get-rich schemes have convinced many that these something-for-almost-nothing schemes are real - come on!), but an opportunity to be inspired by my successes and learn from my mistakes.
  • Are not afraid to ask me questions.
  • And you are ready to get real and put all the get-rich-quick pie-in-the-sky make-a-million-with-no-work-and-an-investment-of=little-money behind you.
Then stick with me and read on ...
If you are tired of trying all the "get rich schemes on the Internet" and wish someone would show you a STABLE, reliable way to make money...
Then this manual and website were created just for you. Here's the story...

"We've Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry...
 Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget "
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It's Owners...
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere Prestige And Recognition As A PET "Expert" A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
 A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
 Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities

 Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast, If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future... then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read! Here's Why: We'll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that's BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually. Now that's certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it's very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course... CHECK YOUR GUIDE OUT HERE!

Growing Niche Market Opportunity
 Welcome to the non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) industry, an industry that's literally growing by the day. How do I know? Because the elderly population is literally in the process of doubling by the year 2030 and the medical transportation industry is one key support service growing in demand to meet the transportation needs of this booming niche market. Hello, this is Joel Davis, author of the best-selling ebook "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company," and founder of the United Medical Transportation Providers Group. We are proud to have helped an untold number of entrepreneurs and client-providers across the country in building, growing, and expanding their NEMT and associated businesses. What is non-emergency medical transportation? Also known as ambulette transportation, NEMT is the transportation of people in wheelchairs, stretchers or those requiring ambulatory assistance.  

 Do not be confused, this is NOT an ambulance service! This is strictly non-emergency medical transportation. You do NOT need any kind of special life-saving skills, training, or equipment. With your medical transportation service, you will transport people to and from medical appointments, doctor visits, hospital discharges, in and out of nursing, rehab, and skilled care facilities, dialysis treatments, and more. But here is the absolute best part - your two niche markets, the medical industry and the elderly population, are exponentially booming! Again, the elderly population is going to double by the year 2030 and the medical industry is only continuing to grow and transform with technological advances.

Needless to say, you don't have any kind of keen business sense to realize the long-term growth potential in this industry.  But let's discuss in further detail why starting a NEMT business is such a great investment for ambitious, motivated entrepreneurs.
   Our mission is to offer a service that empowers homeowners and commercial businesses to correct egregious over-assessed properties and tax overpayments due to clumsy government assessments.
    Help others not to over-pay, just pay the proper property tax assessment that they should be charged. Your future clients are being squeezed enough, they should NOT overpay! Experts tell us that over-assessed properties excesses range from 40% to 60% (click underlined for verification).
     You will be able to give near-certainty guidance to clients in order to pay exactly what they should be charged, NOT OVER-PAY! It's step-by-step and you are encouraged to take on cases from the very beginning so you'll earn as you apply those specific adjustments to a particular client.
     With easy to understand training, you will be able to help clients lower their tax and set their record straight. In the process of helping the client, you earn sizable commissions. Good news:clients are easy to find!
Homeowner's (and businesses) when they get their tax bill are often taken back by the amount charged! The fact is: Most DON'T KNOW that they are over-charged!
The over-assessed desperately need a Property Tax Assessment Review Service that has their back!
     This is a rather rare, under-the-radar small business consultancy opportunity that sorely lacks practitioners. Earning potential can be sky-high. Clients are everywhere. You'll find that there is virtually little to no competition in most local area. It is an ever-green unique business and it's recession proof!
     It helps customers who have a tax-reduction case shave-off serious amount of money off their tax bill. Any client who is suspicious of their property tax welcomes your help.
If the property is over-assessed, your property tax reduction procedures help bring about deserved tax breaks that are placed back into the account of that customer. You emerge the hero and earn an professionals income as a reward.
Evaluate the Residential and Commercial Property Tax Reduction Business and Earn Fees with Your First Client
Property Tax Consultant Residential & Commercial Courses
Fast-Track Business Implementation Plan
Gain Access To The Complete Courses for Residential & Commercial Property Tax Appeal: Property Tax Consulting Course

Click below to get a deeper look into the Property Tax Consulting Business.

Property Tax Consulting 100% FREE Business Plan E-Book
Get the FREE Download to see what some average appeal reduction ranges are and an overview of this kind of business opportunity.

Give others the tax break they deserve and discover a service that where practitioners are scarce.

<-- An over-assessed property taxpayer who did not appeal his property tax ... years down the road!
The difference someone with property tax consultant training could make for others is astonishing.

Turning Woodworking From Hobby to Business

Woodworking is an art/craft, depending on how you look at it, that can see you earn quite substantial amounts. There are people who love woodworking, but just do it as a hobby. The good news is that if you have interest in the subject than transforming it from a hobby to business is quite easy and this article is just going to show you how.
Have tools that you will use for your woodworking. The kind of tools that you will need for your projects will depend on the vastness of your business. If you want to start small, then having simple hand tools will prove to be adequate. You need to buy high quality tools like a hand drill, a timber saw, measurement tools and more. On the other hand, if you want to have large scale production then you will need heavy machinery like a power saw and more. Make sure that the space that you plan to use is adequate.

You need to have clearly marked out your niche. Woodworking is a broad subject that can see you produce anything from a simple birdhouse all the way to production of office and home furniture. You need to copyright your products to avoid cases where people can steal your ideas for their own benefit.

Make sure you advertise. Know that you are no longer doing your woodworking for the fun of it. There are many ways that you can advertise your products. You can use the internet. Using the internet will need you to put up a website. You can have a variety of sample pictures on the website. You also need to know all the ways of putting up a good website if you want to get enough traffic. You need to use the internet to not only advertise, but also to sell. With the website you will be able to tap into potential market that cuts across country boundaries.
Still on the above, you can also make use of word of mouth. Inform your friends and neighbors of your business this is a very inexpensive way of getting your word out there.

Use the internet to get new ideas for your woodworking. There are many plans that are available on the internet of which some are free. You need to use the plans that are available here to improve on your skills. You can always get to learn new ideas using the available plans.
Learn How Here

Wood Profits Banner 

Woodworking Business - What To Build To Make Profits

Woodworking is a great art and hobby that you can quickly turn into business. You need to know that different woodwork projects will have different markets. For instance, if you are making toys, then your target market should be the parents who have young children. You would be greatly misplaced if you make the toys in an area where the larger population that exists is the middle aged and the old aged people. You would also not make much money by making garden benches in an area where people hardly have gardens in their compound. With this in mind, it is very important that you find the right projects to build that will see you make good money. Here are some of the great projects that you can get to do so as to earn a good amount of profit.

1. Toys

Toys are simple projects that will not demand that you have a lot of resources. With the simple hand tools you will comfortably be able to make good toys. The other good news is that you can begin the project right from your garage to save on the cost that you would incur on rent. Know that the toy projects would not take much of your space and thus you will be able to comfortably work from a small area. You can never go wrong with the toy projects especially if you are in the urban area or when your target population is in the urban area for you will always find young families and children.

2. Furniture

Just take a brief survey of most homes that you get to. Did you notice that they have most of their furniture made of wood? Right from the coffee table all the way to the seats, you will realize that many people love wood to be used on their furniture. The reasons for the wide preference for wood are many, but one that stands out is that it is an inexpensive doing. With this in mind, as a woodworker, you need to research and find the particular furniture projects that people would not do without and engage in the building of the same.

3. Fence

Many people have their fences in wood. It makes the home get the more natural look and it is easy to set up. You will always find people who want their fence to be repaired while others will need new fence. Because the fence acts as a form of security, you will obviously get order to put up the same.